This Bakery Serves The Best Croissants In California

Eating a Sicilian chocolate croissant

Photo: Getty Images

Nothing pairs with coffee quite like that of a flaky, warm, croissant. The Parisian delicacy often dipped in coffee and chocolate can be served in many different ways. Some bakeries make their croissants with jams and cremes in the middle, while others cut them in half and fill them with a plethora of meats, cheeses, sauces, and more! Despite the make-up of this meal being so versatile, there is one restaurant in California that undeniably serves it better than all of the rest.

According to a list compiled by Eat This Not That, the best croissant in all of California can be found at Arsicault Bakery in San Francisco.

Here is what Eat This Not That had to say about the best croissant in all of California:

"Thousands of Yelp reviewers have taken to the site to voice their love for Arsicault's fabulous croissants. One customer even likened this popular pastry to the type of things that are found in dreams. "I'm still dreaming of these croissants," they wrote, "and if I lived in the Bay Area I'd live off these bad boys at least once a week."

For more information regarding the best croissant in every state visit

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