BRIGHTON, N.Y. (WROC) — Golisano Children’s Hospital has introduced new technology to enhance procedural communication on a day-to-day basis.

Back in November, Elemeno Health introduced its digital platform to Golisano, with the goal of more effective communication between nurses and doctors, in the palm of their hands. 

“Tremendous disorganization within the actual operations at the patient bedside. That’s the problem we wanted to solve,” Dr. Arup Roy-Burman, founder and CEO of Elemeno Health.

Dr. Roy-Burman is a former director of the ICU at UCSF Children’s Hospital in California. 

Years ago, Dr. Roy-Burman lost his sister to a medical error in the operating room. It’s a problem, he says, that is unfortunately being seen more in the medical field. 

Dr. Marjorie Arca’s surgical team at Golisano Children’s Hospital has put this technology in place. 

Elemeno Health was eventually designed as an encyclopedia for critical medical information, and is used to streamline communication in operating rooms and beyond.  

“About 30 to 40 percent of kids surgeries are emergencies. So, it’s a really good resource for them to look up what we have and how we do it, so that they know. It enables you to be a lot more effective and a lot more efficient caring for a child,” said Dr. Arca, surgeon-in-chief.

Dr. Arca says the software has been instrumental in readying her staff for pediatric surgeries and procedures.

The immediate feedback is something that’s being used across the country, with New York instating it for the first time in the greater Rochester region.

Dr. Arca adds some staff who have come to Golisano from other hospitals have used this tool before.

Since it is now being used in New York for the first time, leaders are hopeful it will be adapted at other healthcare facilities statewide.