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You Can Visit America's Tallest Underground Waterfall Deep Inside The Tennessee Mountains

A castle leads you to an underground world of wonder!

Ruby Falls inside Lookout Mountain. Right: A woman with long hairs looks at the Ruby Falls waterfall.

Ruby Falls inside Lookout Mountain. Right: A woman with long hairs looks at the Ruby Falls waterfall.

Georgia Contributing Writer

Inside the depths of the Tennessee mountains is Ruby Falls, America's tallest and deepest underground waterfall that's open to the public.

Lookout Mountain in Chattanooga, TN is a popular destination for serene, expansive views, and high-impact activities like zip-lining.

But a world of wonder is hidden under the surface, ready to be discovered.

The Ruby Falls Castle, inspired by medieval structures, will welcome you upon arrival.

A glass elevator will take you 260 ft. down in the caves of Lookout Mountain, where a trail through the caverns leads you to the plummeting waterfall.

You can navigate through the rugged limestone paths to get a closer look at the illuminated cascades. Along the way, you'll see ancient rock formations like stalagmites, stalactites, and flowstone while learning the rich history of the falls.

Due to the underground location, this experience is ideal for escaping bad weather on rainy days.

However, when skies are clear, the lookout spot on top of the fall's castle is perfect for catching a glimpse of panoramic views of the Tennessee Valley, Cumberland Plateau, and Tennessee River.

Inside, Ruby Falls is illuminated with vibrant lights for an optimal viewing experience. The natural landscape comes alive in a sea of bright colors.

Due to the popularity of this destination, it's important to plan your trip ahead of time and purchase your tickets online in advance to guarantee your spot on a guided tour. Walkup tickets are no longer sold due to limited availability.

Ruby Falls Cave Tour

Price: $24.95 to $39.95

Address: Ruby Falls, Chattanooga, TN

Why You Should Go: You can explore the underground world of caverns in Lookout Mountain to discover a plummeting waterfall.


Before you get going, check out our Responsible Travel Guide so you can be informed, be safe, be smart, and most of all, be respectful on your adventure.

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