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Starbucks Is Testing A Cashierless Cafe In NYC & This Could Be The Future Of Coffee

Grabbing coffee is about to get a lot simpler ☕️

Global Staff Writer

It may not be too long before you walk into your local Starbucks and grab a coffee without speaking to a single person.

The coffee chain is testing out a new store concept in New York City called Starbucks Pickup with Amazon Go.

A press release by the coffee brand explained how the store uses a combination of features like the Starbucks app to order ahead and Amazon Go’s walk-out technology, which allows you to pick up a coffee without speaking to a cashier or standing in line.

The store opened on November 18 and the reviews are already coming in from those who've tried it. It's located on 59th Street, between Park and Lexington Avenue.


Tbh it was underwhelming……. #amazongo #starbucks #jeffbezos

For those who want to go to a coffee shop to get some work done or chat with a friend, the store also has a fully updated lounge that features individual workspaces and more extensive work tables. You also don’t need to worry about finding power outlets and USB ports because this store has you covered in that department.

The store will also feature items from the Amazon Go market, including fresh salads and sandwiches in addition to the Starbucks menu.

Ordering drinks is pretty straightforward as the process isn’t that different from using the Starbucks app for in-store pickup.

However, you have a few options when buying from the Amazon Go Market. You can either use the “in-Store Code” from the Amazon app, Amazon One or a credit card. Then you can proceed to shop as per usual.

Everything you take off the shelf will be added to your virtual cart, and your account gets charged when you leave the store.

If the store proves to be a success in New York City, it might not be long until we see similar stores popping up across the U.S. and in Canada.

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