LANCASTER, Pa. (WHTM) — Eight minutes may not sound like much, but in a situation like a shooting — it can be the difference between life and death.

“It’s about eight minutes from the time somebody calls 911 and EMS arrives on scene,” Richard Canard, Lancaster EMS, said.

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Last weekend’s shooting at Park City Center is a strong reminder, as we learn more about a bystander who jumped in and applied what Lancaster EMS called common sense first aid.

“Common sense things are going to stop the bleeding with direct pressure and continue to hold direct pressure and not let go,” Canard said. 

Canard has worked with Lancaster EMS for over a decade, and he knows the ins and outs of life-saving techniques. So much so, he could do them with common workplace items.

“By putting a tie on there and cutting off circulation if he was spurting blood it would actually help slow the bleeding down,” Canard added.

With fewer Americans receiving first aid training, now more than ever, that knowledge can be vital.

“Bystander action is very important especially in situations of any kind of active shooter and incident where someone has been injured in that way,” Canard said.

Police say six people were hurt altogether–4 of them were shot. Lancaster EMS commends the good Samaritan’s quick thinking.  

“I would thank him for stepping up and doing something. in any of these cases he could’ve saved that person’s life,” he said.