Campbell Vaughn: Paper wasps at fairgrounds had crew all abuzz

Campbell Vaughn
Paper wasps tending to their nest inside a barn. Note the abandoned paper nest and remnant outline of a mud dauber structure nearby.

Remember last summer when my son and I were out looking for insects for his entomology assignment due this fall? Well it is now fall and he is currently buzzing around to get it done before the deadline.

We found out that some of the insects we caught didn’t hold up well in our storage system and some of the moths we caught were almost impossible to distinguish without some help from my entomology friends. So, I took Win to the Augusta Exchange Club fairgrounds to find a couple of last-minute bugs to put on his board.  

Since the Georgia-Carolina State Fair was called off last season with this stupid virus, it seems that the paper wasps didn’t seem to mind the time to colonize down off Hale Street. I would bet there were 250-plus nests on the eaves of the buildings, in barrels, rafters, siding, cracks and various other hiding places all over the 17-acre grounds. Myself and every other person that is involved with the fairground preparations had a can of hornet and wasp spray in their back pocket for about a week getting ready for opening day. Needless to say, Win was able to add the Northern Paper Wasp (Polistes fuscatus) to his collection just in time. 

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Paper wasps are distinguished by being reddish brown/black with yellowish rings around their abdomen. They are noted for constructing paper-like nest of upside-down brood cells, which are compartments for their young. These nests are supported by a single stalk that resembles an upside down umbrella. Unlike the closed nests of a hornet, each paper wasp nest consists of a single tier of cells that is not enclosed by a paper cover.

While on the nest, the wasps tend to get a little more alert when there is activity nearby – like when my buddies and I used to throw rocks at them when we were kids. And when we were scattering like rats after a direct hit, we would miss seeing the wasp’s distinctive long slender legs hanging down while flying.

These wasps are found all over North America usually in fields and meadows, but prefer to nest under an overhang such as the livestock barn at the fairgrounds. I also have seen them in evergreen shrubbery. 

I found some really good information from Cornell Extension on the paper wasp’s life cycle. Paper wasps are social insects with annual nests. In early spring, a single queen emerges from hibernation and builds a small nest using chewed wood pulp.

She will raise the first generation of workers on her own. Then these workers collect food while the boss lady focuses on nothing but laying eggs. When hatched, the wasp larvae are fed pre-chewed caterpillars caught by adults. I don’t think catsup could hide that flavor. Adult workers will feed themselves with plant nectar.

Nests are usually on the smaller side with a few dozen workers, but occasionally you may find some containing as many as 100 workers. As the season progresses into the fall, colonies produce males and new queens. They will then leave the nest to mate before the cold hits. After mating, the new queens burrow into the ground where they spend the winter. All workers, males, and old queens perish around the first frost. The nest is not used again. It also won’t cause structural damage to anything to which it's attached.  

Wasps are voracious predators of several residential and agricultural pests. They provide natural and free control of herbivorous caterpillars especially around vegetable gardens.  

Campbell Vaughn is the UGA Agriculture and Natural Resource agent for Richmond County.

If you want to have a poor afternoon, accidentally shake something with a paper wasp nest attached. The sting will feel like you have been shot with a BB gun. These wasps are aggressive and will defend their nest if provoked. And unlike a honey bee, they can sting you more than once.

If you happen to get stung, ice can help soothe the pain. I was stung at the lake this summer and used some tobacco made into a paste and it really seemed to help quickly. Please remember that stings can cause allergic reactions that can be life threatening. 

Reach Campbell Vaughn, the UGA Agriculture and Natural Resource agent for Richmond County, by e-mailing