
A Home Depot retail store in Cumberland. Home Depot is one of the large employers in Cobb that will be affected by a federal vaccine mandate for companies with 100-plus employees.

John Loud mug.jpg

John Loud

Gov. Brian Kemp mug (2)

Brian Kemp


(3) comments


The fallacy of the vaccine requirement is that it is not legal. The statute the Biden administration is using to justify the mandate is referring to State law not federal law.. The vaccine requirement will not prevent the spread of the virus as is being promoted. Vaccinated people can still get and spread the virus. The benefit will be in the reduction in hospitalizations the vaccine will provide.Vaccinated people are less affected by the virus than unvaccinated people.

O. G.

Consider the testimonial of Steve Kirsch, executive director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund and also identified as a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel member. In an eight-hour virtual discussion of the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee released Friday, 9/17/21 by the FDA, Kirsch said there “are four times as many heart attacks [as is normal] in the treatment group in the Pfizer six-month trial report — that wasn’t bad luck.”

What’s more, “The CDC VAERS [Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System] shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,” he continued.

I'm guessing there's a lot of business ahead for WellStar's exemplary cardiology department, and isn't that fortunate for business? But still, perhaps it's worth considering if you're still on the fence about the shot? Or if you're in a position of authority and you care at all about your employees.

O. G.

Please correct this article. The Biden plan EXEMPTS all postal workers, members of Congress and their staffs and members of the White House staff.

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