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7 Gorgeous Hikes Near Portland That Make For The Perfect Spring Daytrip Adventure

Time to go chasing water falls. 🏞

is filled with incredible hiking opportunities that truly stick out among the rest in the United States.

This list will show you where you absolutely need to go hiking near the wonderful this spring for the ultimate nature escapade.

Editor's Choice: These Are The Most Gorgeous Hiking Spots You Have To Explore This Spring

Ramona Falls Loop Hike

Price: Free

Address: Ramona Falls, Oregon 97041

Why You Need To Go: This hike is the perfect spot for those looking to defy TLC and go chasing waterfalls. The Romona Falls make for the perfect conclusion to a gorgeous 7.1-mile hike through Portland's nature.

Tom, Dick, and Harry Mountain Hike

Price: Free

Address: Oregon Trail School District 046, Oregon

Why You Need To Go: If you choose mountains over beaches 100% of the time, then this is the hike for you. The trail takes you almost 5,000 ft. up the legendary mountain, where you will get spectacular views of Mount Hood and Mirror Lake.

Cape Falcon Hike 

Price: Free

Address: Arch Cape, OR 97102

Why You Need To Go: This amazing hike eliminates the noises of civilization as it takes you through a forest filled with amazing spruce trees alongside the beautiful Oregon coastline giving you the feeling of inner peace, which we could all use about right now. 

Pittock Mansion Hike

Price: Free

Address: 3229 NW Pittock Dr, Portland, OR

Why You Need To Go: This incredible 6-mile hike sticks out among the rest. You'll follow a beautiful creek and be surrounded by gorgeous nature and wildlife as you make your way to an amazing Victorian-era mansion that offers an incredible view of Portland. 

Trail of Ten Falls 

Price: $5/vehicle 

Address: 20024 Silver Falls Hwy SE, Sublimity, OR

Why You Need To Go: This trail rests in Silver Falls State Park, which is described as "the crown jewel of the Oregon State Parks system" due to it being the state's largest state park. It also earns the title thanks to the numerous beautiful waterfalls you will see while hiking the legendary trail. 

Tryon Creek Outer Loop Hike

Price: $5/vehicle 

Address: 11321 SW Terwilliger Blvd, Portland, OR

Why You Need To Go: If you are looking to surround yourself with greenery as far as the eye can see, then this is the spot for you. This long 6-mile hike takes you through one of the most beautiful state parks in Oregon where you will encounter jaw-dropping nature and perhaps a few critters.

Wahclella Falls Hike 

Price: Free

Address: Wahclella Falls Trail, Cascade Locks, OR

Why You Need To Go: This gorgeous short hike is described as "one of the must-do easy hikes in the Columbia River Gorge." But while the hike may be simple, the views are nothing less than extraordinary as you'll come across bridges, rivers, and of course the amazing Wahclella Falls.

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