decreasing corona virus infections

Brazoria County might not be ready to close the books on another spike in COVID-19 cases, but the numbers are moving in a positive direction, officials said.

“Currently, we are seeing a downward trend in COVID cases but we are still closely monitoring these numbers,” Brazoria County Health Director Cathy Sbrush said. “We may not be ‘out of the woods’ yet, but are hopeful this is the case.”

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(5) entries


Where is joe Biden? Hospitals are full. We don’t hear joe opening up more facilities to accommodate the capacity problems? Trump did and still was blamed by the facts and the dem cult media. I haven’t heard joe make any actions with the hospital problems

It’s funny daily we saw the facts and dem media blame Trump but not one peep about Joe’s failures helping stop COVID deaths. He just has one focus which is vaccines. Folks who have been vaccinated are in these overcrowded hospitals too . I know folks who have been vaccinated who got COVID


Here is some truthful data on Harvard University with over 90% vaccination rate


New poll says Americans don’t trust joe Biden on COVID info


Biden just released 12,000 unvaccinated Haitians into Texas.


There are a lot of REAL medical experts that say Covid will only be curtailed when we reach "herd immunity". All of the mandates and propaganda are just prolonging this.

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